Photo: Coron white sand beach Palawan, Philippines.
In addition to the King James Bible, here are some of our very credible sources in which no one can disprove including:
Full bibliography in back of each publishing. Download our complete 300-page SOURCEBOOK with the pages from these sources and more, links to websites when appropriate and academic credits.
(English Translations of)
The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea
Antonio Pigafetta’s Journal
The Cambridge Ancient History
The Smithsonian Institute
Yale University
The Israel Museum
The Louvre Museum
British Museum
Pomponius Mela, Chorographia
Flavius Josephus
The surueye of the vvorld... Dionysius Periegetes
The Voyages and Adventures of Fernando Mendez
Pinto, The Portuguese (Cogan)
Pliny the Elder (Historia Naturalis)
The Philippine Islands (Blair, Robertson)
Europe and the Far East (Sir Robert K. Douglas,
Cambridge University Press, 1904)
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology
The Institute for Maritime and Ocean Affairs
History of the Philippine Islands (Antonio de Morga,
ArcheoSciences Journal
The Carpenter Report
The Field Museum, Chicago
Philippine Sociological Review
Evolution of Island Mammals
The Journal of History (Ronquillo)
The Philippine Progress(Dr. Craig)
One World Archaeology (Routledge)
National Museum of Iran Archives de la Maison
Archeologie & Ethnologie
The Journal For Early Modern Cultural Studies
The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls (Vermes)
Man and Culture in Oceania (Ronquillo)
Magellan’s Voyage Around the World (Nowell)
Early Mapping of Southeast Asia (Suarez)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
The Stanford Report
National Geographic
Forbes Magazine
The New York Times
Wall Street Journal
United Nations
Money Magazine
World Bank
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, "Ginto: A History
Wrought in Gold Link Now Available:
Philippines Department of Agriculture
Philippines Department of Energy
Philippine Bureau of Customs
Philippine Statistics Authority
Department of Labor and Employment of the
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA)
Republic of the Philippines House of Representatives
Philippines Bureau of Export Trade
Primer on the Philippine Minerals Industry (Torres)
Philippine News Agency
Historia de las islas e indios de Bisayas (1668, Alcina)
William Henry Scott
The Hilti Foundation, Underwater Archaeologist Franck Goddio
Moussons (Social Science Research)
A History of the Philippines (Dr. D. P. Barrows)
Asian Studies Journal
The Philippines in the 6th to 16th centuries(Patanne)
Boxer Codex (1590)Lazlo Legeza
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Archaeology
Archaeological Studies Program
University of the Philippines Diliman
Chau Ju-Kua: his work on the Chinese and Arab
trade in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Arts of Asia Magazine (Legeza)
Philippine Supreme Court Justice Antonio T. Carpio
The Austronesians: Historical and Comparative
Perspectives (Bellwood, Fox, Tryon)
Department of Anthropology,
The Australian National University
Professor Adrian Horridge
William Larousse
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites
Purchas his Pilgrimage (Samuel Purchas, 1626)
Hindawi African Science Journal
Godofredo U. Stuart Jr., M.D.
The Columbia Encyclopedia
The American Desk Encyclopedia
Oxford University Press
World Encyclopedia
The Wood Database
The Pilgrim’s Muse (1816 Rev. Joseph Thomas)
Ancient History Encyclopedia
Collins English Dictionary
American Historical Association
Concise Oxford English Dictionary
The Concise Dictionary of World Place Names
South African National Biodiversity Institute
Science in the Philippines. A review by James J.
Walsh, Ih.D., M.D.
Christopher Columbus and the participation of the
Jews in the Spanish and Portuguese discoveries
(Kayserling, Gross)
The Jews and the Expansion of Europe to the West,
1450 to 1800 (Bernardini, Fiering)
Collecion General de Documentos Relativos a las Islas
Filipinas (1522)
The Discoveries of the World, from Their First
Originall Unto the Yeere of our Lord 1555 (Galvao,
Origen de los indios de el Nuevo Mundo e Indias
Occidentales. (Garcia, 1607)
Philippine Progress Prior to 1898 (Dr. Craig, Benitez)
Historia do descobrimento e conqvista da India pelos
Portvgveses (Castanheda, 1883)
The Suma Oriental of Tome Pires, 1944
University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology (R.F. Barton)
Eskaya of Bohol: Traces of Hebrew Influence Paving
the Way For Easy Christianization of Bohol
Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta
The Age of Solomon
University of Cape Town
South Africa Archeological Society
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Rabi-Kohan Shalomim Y. HaLevi, Ph. D, D. Div., O.R.
Thrpst. S.A.C.
Dr Alan P Newman
History of the Phoenician Civilization (Rawlinson)
Institute of Historical Research
The Ilocos Sur Archaeology Project
Hawai’i Pacific University Oceanic Institute
Philippine Daily Inquirer
The Philippine Star
Manila Standard
Esquire Magazine Philippines
Asian Society
GMA News
Science Magazine
Sun Star Philippines
World Atlas
The Guardian Newspaper
Business World
The Haribon Foundation
Project Noah
Revelation of the Magi Translated By Brent Landau
Clement of Alexandria, The Stromata
Opus Imperfectum in Matthaeum.” From Migne’s
Patrologia Graeca
“Apocrypha Hiberniae I: Evangelia Infantiae.” M.
The Book of the Bee
“Homilies on Matthew 6:1.” John Chrysostom,
Fourth Century
The Book of the Cave of Treasures
Fourth Book of Adam and Eve
The Gospels of Thomas With Acts of the Apostles In
Theodorus bar Kōnī
Chronicle of Zuqnin
Chronicles of Jerahmeel
Books of Jubilees, Jasher, Enoch
And more...
(Yeah, we know, we didn't do any research and are just guessing right? What an illiterate position of scoffers who wallow in ignorance.)
Some of the Hebrew Definitions from:
Abarim Publications
Strong’s Concordance
Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
Thayer’s Hebrew and Greek Lexicon
Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
Easton’s Bible Dictionary
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Smith’s Bible Dictionary
Hitchcock’s Dictionary of Bible Names
King James Bible Dictionary
ATS Bible Dictionary
"Contextualising the Teaching of Biblical Hebrew.” Stephen H. Levinsohn, Ph.D
McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry
Cotterell and Turner Linguistics
Balashon - Hebrew Language Detective
The Johns Hopkins University Press (Shipley)
Antonio J. Montalvan II, Ph.D., Mindanao Anthropologist and Ethnohistoria
Encyclopedia Judaica
Chaim Ben Torah
Jewish Virtual Library
Ancient Hebrew Research Center (Benner)
Dr. Steven D. Fraade
Dr. Charles F. Stanley
Rabi-Kohan Shalomim Y. HaLevi, Ph. D, D. Div., O.R. Thrpst. S.A.C.
And many more...
(But of course, it is clear we must be making up the Hebrew as we go right? Another ridiculous criticism of illiterate skeptics who wish to remain so)
Timothy Schwab Philippines
Timothy Jay Schwab Philippines
Timothy Schwab. Ophir Philippines
Biography of Timothy Jay Schwab
Biography of Timothy Schwab
Biography of Timothy Schwab Philippines
Biography of Timothy Jay Schwab Philippines
PhilippinesFails. Ophirian Heritage Conservatory
Some of the Historic Maps Used in Our Research:
(Yes, there are more than 80 Historic, Credible Maps!)
We Publish these in Garden of Eden Revealed: The Book of Maps Especially
Eratosthenes’ World Map, 194 B.C.
World map according to Strabo, 18 A.D.
1700 Cellarius Map according to Strabo.
First Enoch Map of the World, 4000 B.C.
9 Ancient Mountains of the East Map from Words of
the Archangel Michael (Dead Sea Scroll)
Book of Jubilees World Map, 2500 B.C.
Isodore’s 12th Century Map
“1493 World Map by Hartmann Schedel
2200 Migration to Sephar
Solomon’s Navy Route to Ophir, 970 B.C.
Jonah’s Route to Tarshish, 800 B.C. (NOT Spain!)
43 A.D. World Map of Pomponius Mela as
reconstructed by K. Miller, 1898
The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea 50-70 A.D.
The World According to Dionysius Periegetes, 124
A.D., Bunbury’s reconstruction,1879
A Tabula Peutingeriana, 1-4th century CE. Facsimile
edition by Konrad Miller, 1888
Orosius Map, 416 A.D. reconstructed by Konrad
Miller in 1898
Cosmas Indicopleustes Map, 7-8th century
Isidore of Seville's Map, 600 A.D.
Weltkarte des Isidor von Sevilla. Mappae Mundi Bd.
Vi. “Rekonstruierte Karten.” Reconstructed in 1898
by Dr. Konrad Miller.
Ravenna (Italy) Map, c. 650 AD, reconstruction by
Konrad Miller, 1898
The Turin Map, Eighth Century in origin
Mappa mundi d’Albi, 750 A.D. by Dr. Konrad Miller,
Silos Apocalypse Map, 1109
750-800 A.D. Beatus Map
Mapamundi do Beato de Valcavado, 970
Mapamundi do Beato de Girona, 975
Mapamundi do Beato de Facundo, 1407
Anglo-Saxon World Map, 1050
Osma Beatus map, 1086
12th century Mappa Mundi on display at Dover Castle
Hemispheric world map, Lambert of Saint-Omer,
Liber floridus, ca. 1112–1121
The Sawley Map or Henry of Mainz World Map, 1150
The Tabula Rogeriana, drawn by al-Idrisi for Roger II
of Sicily in 1154
Manchester, a.k.a. Rylands, 1175
The Milan a.k.a. Mapa de Oña derivative, 12th century
Beatus map of Las Huelgas, 1220
The Ebstorf Map, 1235
Map of Marco Polo’s Voyages & Travels in the 13th
Century. Bowen, 1744
Psalter World Map, 1265
Higden World Map, 1300s, reconstructed in 1896
Hereford Mappa Mundi, 1300
1350 Hidgen World Map, Ranulf Higden’s seven
volume universal history
1364 “Mapamundi Cronica S Denis
The Fall and the Expulsion from Paradise, from The
Very Rich Hours of the Duke of Berry (1416),
Limbourg brothers.
Bianco’s world map, 1436
Leardo Mappamundi, 1440
1448 Walsperger Mappa mundi
The Borgia/ Velletri World Map. 1450
The Fra Mauro World map, 1460
Colonna Map, 1475
1474 Toscanelli Map
1492 Behaim Globe, Ravenstein, 1908
The Columbus Map, 1490
Lequios Map of Historic Sightings (Multiple Sources)
Spanish Government Doc. #98 Mapping
Maris Pacifici by Abraham Ortelius, 1589
The Schoener Globe, 1520
1504 Hunt-Lenox globe
Tipus Orbis Universalis iuxta Ptolemei Cosmographi
by Petro Apiano
Waldseemüller map from 1507
Cantino planisphere 1502
Nautical Planisphere of Caverio, 1507
The Santa Cruz Map, 1542
1545 Tabula Asiae XI. Ptolemy, 2nd cent. Geographia
universalis.Heinrich Petri
1578 Ptolemy, 2nd cent. Tabulae geographicae.
Coloniae Agrippinae typis Godefridi Kempensis
Typus Orbis Terrarum Ad Imitationem Universalis
Gerhardi Mercatoris. Circa 1600. Matthias Quad /
JohannBussemachaer. 1657 Orbis vetus et orbis veteris utraque continens,
terrarumq[ue] tractus arcticus et antarticus ex Platone, Theopompo sive Aeliano, Manilio &tc.
Mappe-Monde, ou Carte Generale Du Monde.” Paris:
N. Sanson, 1651.
Map of the Old World. Paris: Didier Robert de
Vaugondy and Antoine Boudet, 1752
1720 Asia Vetus. Weigel Christoph
Quad’s First Atlas of the Whole World First Edition
with this Title, Early Variant. Matthias Quad’s Geographisch Handtbuch , 1592
Philippine Map by Dudley’s Dell Arcano de Mare, 1646 “Terza Tavola.” Giovanni B. Ramusio. Latin. circa 1560
Globus Jagellonicus, 1510
1728 Map of Ibrahim Müteferrika.
Buckinck, Arnold Engraver, 2nd Century Author
Ptolemy, and Konrad Sweynheim Geography. Rome:
Arnold Buckinck, 1478.
Codex Vaticanus Urbinas Graecus 82, p. 60,
Constantinople c. 1300
Nautical Atlas of Battista Agnese, 1541
Silesia Map, 1485
1888 T-O-Sample Map
NASA/National Geographic Ocean Floor Mapping
Additionally, we have found Chinese and Korean Maps which indicate the Philippines as Marco Polo's Zipangu, Islse of Gold. And More...
Nah! Let us just ignore all this data and go with the illiteracy found in academia and scholarship steeped in colonial racism. Not today!